The Felida PTA has Volunteer Opportunities for everyone, both big and small! Below is a list of them by availability during school and non-school hours. Please email us for more information on volunteering for one of these opportunities. We also post volunteer sign-ups for various events on the event page.
Regular Volunteer Opportunities (at School) During School Hours
Hearing/Vision Screening Day (Oct or Nov): Help school nurse with screening as she conducts the annual hearing & vision screening of all students. Help classes move between testing rooms. Parents who work in the health care industries can help administer the testing.
Jump Rope for Heart (Feb): Help Mr. Cast, the PE teacher, with children as they Jump.
Mileage Club (May): Help Mr. Cast, the PE teacher, keep track of laps the children run during lunch and hand out toe tokens.
Payback Books (Sept): This is our biggest fundraiser of the year; we make about $10,000 to fund PTA programs. Must be a PTA member to process funds, but not to organize paperwork.
Picture Day (Oct): Provide general help to the photographer as a runner coordinating classes as they come for school pictures on Picture Day.
Production Room (anytime): Happens every day, any time, all year. There is a box in the production room where all teachers can leave projects that need to be copied, collated, etc. These projects are put in the box by their due date, or by grade level if it's a project for all classes in that grade. If you've got 15 minutes, swing by the Production room - to help complete a project for a teacher.
Reading Counts - Assist Ms. Iverson with 1st Grader Reading Counts program
School Reader Board (every week, all year): Update the school reader board at main entrance to the parking lot with new calendar and message information each week to keep families informed of current events at Felida.
Staff Appreciation: This group plans and organizes periodic breakfast or lunch events for the staff and teachers at Felida to show our appreciation for their hard work on behalf of our children throughout the year. Volunteers organize sign ups for parents to donate food items or they can cook or buy food with budgeted money, set up and clean up for events at school.
Volunteers, On Call: Be on our “on call” list to be contacted as various needs arise for volunteers throughout the year.
Yearbook (all year): Take photos and gather photos taken by other parents and teachers at events throughout the year. Layout and production of yearbook with assistance from production company. Photo submissions to the yearbook may be sent to [email protected].
Volunteer Opportunities During Non-School Hours or at Home
Book Fairs: Works with our Scholastic representative to bring in a huge assortment of affordable books for students and families to shop from during our fall event and the spring book fair that coincides with our End of Year Social. Chair organizes details of set-up, teacher previews, Battle of the Books lists, check-out registers, cash box request, & clean-up with a small army of volunteers during event. Money raised allows Media Center and teachers to buy books for student use.
Donations (all year): Solicits and gathers donations from community business partners to support various social, incentive and fundraising programs here at Felida. Manage thanks you’s, receipts and letters for donations. Especially instrumental in gathering prizes for Bingo Night in Feb. Past donor lists available.
End-of-Year Social (June): A fun social event to bring students and families to school to celebrate the end of another great year. Events usually include concessions, music, or active play opportunities (bounce houses). Chair organizes flyers, activities, set-up, volunteers to man the activities and clean-up. Coincides with the Spring Book Fair.
Giving Tree (Dec): Help Felida families support others in need by partnering with community organizations to decorate a tree in Felida’s front office with ornament tags listing desired gifts that Felida families can buy and return to school. Tree is set up during Harvest Dance and chair coordinates delivery of gifts to the partnering organization(s) in time for the holidays.
Hospitality Committee (all year): Love to Bake? Throughout the year, we need volunteers to provide service by baking goods for events. Sign up & we will email you with a description of what’s needed & the dates.
Membership (All year): Gather and input PTA membership forms through WA State PTA’s online system. (about 2 hours in mid-October) Build a group of volunteers to connect with new & potential PTA members at PTA & school events throughout the year.
Plant Sale (April): This fundraiser lets Felida parents order beautiful plants & flowers from a local nursery to brighten their yards while earning money for PTA activities. Need help organizing flyers, tallying orders, and filling orders on pick-up day.
PTA Bulletin Board (all year): A creative volunteer decorates & updates our PTA Bulletin Board in the main hallway throughout the year to keep our school community informed.
PTA Newsletter/Communications (all year): Ideally, chair attends monthly PTA meetings to stay “in-the-know”. Helps craft periodic newsletters, flyers and other messages to keep Felida parents informed as to what is happening at Felida with all of the many PTA activities throughout the year. Graphic design experience is helpful but not necessary.
PTA Website (all year): This position will manage the website and posting of information through the year. This person will work closely with the Newsletter Chair and other Chair positions to collect information to post.
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Night (Jan/Feb): This evening event includes science/math experiments, games, & displays. Chair organizes volunteers to set up event, run stations, & clean up.
Trunk or Treat (Oct): Provides a fun way for families to spend an evening at school socializing, sharing snacks and showing off your costumes! Need help with flyers, setup, decorations, photos, concessions & clean-up. Occurs the same night as our Book Fair (last Friday in October or first Friday in November).
Regular Volunteer Opportunities (at School) During School Hours
Hearing/Vision Screening Day (Oct or Nov): Help school nurse with screening as she conducts the annual hearing & vision screening of all students. Help classes move between testing rooms. Parents who work in the health care industries can help administer the testing.
Jump Rope for Heart (Feb): Help Mr. Cast, the PE teacher, with children as they Jump.
Mileage Club (May): Help Mr. Cast, the PE teacher, keep track of laps the children run during lunch and hand out toe tokens.
Payback Books (Sept): This is our biggest fundraiser of the year; we make about $10,000 to fund PTA programs. Must be a PTA member to process funds, but not to organize paperwork.
Picture Day (Oct): Provide general help to the photographer as a runner coordinating classes as they come for school pictures on Picture Day.
Production Room (anytime): Happens every day, any time, all year. There is a box in the production room where all teachers can leave projects that need to be copied, collated, etc. These projects are put in the box by their due date, or by grade level if it's a project for all classes in that grade. If you've got 15 minutes, swing by the Production room - to help complete a project for a teacher.
Reading Counts - Assist Ms. Iverson with 1st Grader Reading Counts program
School Reader Board (every week, all year): Update the school reader board at main entrance to the parking lot with new calendar and message information each week to keep families informed of current events at Felida.
Staff Appreciation: This group plans and organizes periodic breakfast or lunch events for the staff and teachers at Felida to show our appreciation for their hard work on behalf of our children throughout the year. Volunteers organize sign ups for parents to donate food items or they can cook or buy food with budgeted money, set up and clean up for events at school.
Volunteers, On Call: Be on our “on call” list to be contacted as various needs arise for volunteers throughout the year.
Yearbook (all year): Take photos and gather photos taken by other parents and teachers at events throughout the year. Layout and production of yearbook with assistance from production company. Photo submissions to the yearbook may be sent to [email protected].
Volunteer Opportunities During Non-School Hours or at Home
Book Fairs: Works with our Scholastic representative to bring in a huge assortment of affordable books for students and families to shop from during our fall event and the spring book fair that coincides with our End of Year Social. Chair organizes details of set-up, teacher previews, Battle of the Books lists, check-out registers, cash box request, & clean-up with a small army of volunteers during event. Money raised allows Media Center and teachers to buy books for student use.
Donations (all year): Solicits and gathers donations from community business partners to support various social, incentive and fundraising programs here at Felida. Manage thanks you’s, receipts and letters for donations. Especially instrumental in gathering prizes for Bingo Night in Feb. Past donor lists available.
End-of-Year Social (June): A fun social event to bring students and families to school to celebrate the end of another great year. Events usually include concessions, music, or active play opportunities (bounce houses). Chair organizes flyers, activities, set-up, volunteers to man the activities and clean-up. Coincides with the Spring Book Fair.
Giving Tree (Dec): Help Felida families support others in need by partnering with community organizations to decorate a tree in Felida’s front office with ornament tags listing desired gifts that Felida families can buy and return to school. Tree is set up during Harvest Dance and chair coordinates delivery of gifts to the partnering organization(s) in time for the holidays.
Hospitality Committee (all year): Love to Bake? Throughout the year, we need volunteers to provide service by baking goods for events. Sign up & we will email you with a description of what’s needed & the dates.
Membership (All year): Gather and input PTA membership forms through WA State PTA’s online system. (about 2 hours in mid-October) Build a group of volunteers to connect with new & potential PTA members at PTA & school events throughout the year.
Plant Sale (April): This fundraiser lets Felida parents order beautiful plants & flowers from a local nursery to brighten their yards while earning money for PTA activities. Need help organizing flyers, tallying orders, and filling orders on pick-up day.
PTA Bulletin Board (all year): A creative volunteer decorates & updates our PTA Bulletin Board in the main hallway throughout the year to keep our school community informed.
PTA Newsletter/Communications (all year): Ideally, chair attends monthly PTA meetings to stay “in-the-know”. Helps craft periodic newsletters, flyers and other messages to keep Felida parents informed as to what is happening at Felida with all of the many PTA activities throughout the year. Graphic design experience is helpful but not necessary.
PTA Website (all year): This position will manage the website and posting of information through the year. This person will work closely with the Newsletter Chair and other Chair positions to collect information to post.
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Night (Jan/Feb): This evening event includes science/math experiments, games, & displays. Chair organizes volunteers to set up event, run stations, & clean up.
Trunk or Treat (Oct): Provides a fun way for families to spend an evening at school socializing, sharing snacks and showing off your costumes! Need help with flyers, setup, decorations, photos, concessions & clean-up. Occurs the same night as our Book Fair (last Friday in October or first Friday in November).